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Job Search Kickstart Bundle!

The Job Search Kickstart Bundle contains all the material used in the Job Search Kickstart Coaching Program. You can use these materials independently to get your job search off to a great start. Use our easy-to-follow steps to update your resume, polish up your LinkedIn Profile, write an engaging cover letter, create your networking plan, and much more.

While you can use these guides in any order, here’s the recommended path.

Step 1. Reboot your resume using our Blue Sage Resume Guide. Follow the 5 steps to create a powerful resume that will land that interview.

Step 2: Update your LInkedIn Profile. Complete the 5-day LinkedIn Update Challenge to Optimize your LinkedIn profile for the job search. Learn how to create a custom URL, find connections and use LinkedIn Publishing.

Step 3: Build your networking contact list and create a job networking plan. Find the hidden job market.

Step 4: Write an attention grabbing cover letter in less than 10 sentences.

Step 5: Use this 21 point interview prep checklist and guide to prepare for initial job interviews.

Bonus Material:

Learn how to answer the question “So tell me about yourself.” Here are four steps to a great answer.

Remote video interviews are becoming the norm for first and even second interviews. Follow these tips for success.

Transferable skills are the skills you obtain and master during your education, internships and through work experience which can be used in future employment settings. These are skills that can be used in multiple settings and career fields.

Transferable skills are especially important for recent university grads, mid-life career changers, or anyone who’s been out of the workplace for a significant time.

Use this 4 page master list of transferable skills to create your personal list of transferable skills to use in resume building, job interviews, and your LInkedIn profile.

Use this list of 25 common job interview questions to prepare for your interview.

Have you ever been asked to submit an ASCII or plain text resume for an online job application? A plain text or ASCII resume is a resume that’s been stripped of most formatting in order to be scanned by an applicant tracking system. Here’s how to create an ASCII or plain text resume - and when you should use it.

I hope this material has been helpful in preparing for your job search!

If you have further questions, check out the options below for other career services from Blue Sage Career Strategies.

Good luck out there!

Get Your Material Reviewed

Would you like to have your resume and other materials reviewed for job search optimization?

Schedule a 50 minute Job Search Kickstart Review with Anita Flowers, M.A. here. You will email your materials to Anita prior to the consultation. Anita will suggest improvements for materials and answer any questions you might have about job search or networking strategies. Consultations begin at $75 for a single session.

30 Minute Q & A

Have a quick couple of questions? Sign up for a 30-minute question and answer session with Anita. Find out more here.