Are you feeling stuck in your career? in your life?
Are you ready to move from "just a job" to a career that you love and are proud of?
Are you fresh out of school and looking for your first professional job?
Are you bored with your job and considering a midlife career change?
Sign up for personal coaching/consulting packages with Anita. All coaching /consulting work is done by phone or video chat so you can work with Anita from literally anywhere in the world.
Contact Anita to set up a free 15 minute consultation to find out what’s right for you.
“I began coaching with Anita feeling drained, discouraged and ready to give up on my profession. After 3 months of coaching, I closed down those energy drainers and had a plan of action to move forward into a new chapter in my work - same profession but with an exciting new focus and direction.”
Career Coaching
Career coaching; Sign up for personal coaching/consulting with Anita. All coaching /consulting work is done by phone or video chat so you can work with Anita from literally anywhere in the world. Sessions last 50 minutes.
Career Coaching - 3 Sessions
Sign up for 3 sessions for $300 and save $75 off the single session price.