So what is The LifeWork Project 21 Day Reboot? And why you need it.

The LifeWork Project is a 21 day e-course to help you find your path forward.

The LifeWork Project is a 21 day e-course to help you find your path forward.

It’s the LifeWork Project - Pandemic Edition.

I’ve offered the LifeWork Project as an e-course for several years and clients have loved the simplicity of the daily assignments and the deep understanding and vision that comes from the work. The LifeWork Project has helped artists get their groove back. It has helped bored employees find real work that is satisfying and meaningful. A recent retiree used the LWP to refine her vision for retirement and now uses her skills in environmental advocacy. Even those on the corporate hamster wheel have found a path to fresh grass.

So what is the LifeWork Project? Good question - because - It’s actually a bunch of questions.

I considered calling the LWP the Life Questions Project. The LWP is basically a series of questions for you to answer about your life - questions that will:

  • help you asses your current situation

  • take a realistic look at your finances

  • clarify what you really value and how you want to live your life

  • explore your personality

  • take a look at the lessons you have learned from your past

  • make positive decisions about your next step

  • create a plan for living into a future that really works for you.

I call it “do-it-yourself life and career coaching”.

The LifeWork Project helps you find the answers within yourself - the keys to your next step forward. 

Get your life back LWP pinterest graphic.png

The LWP uses the tools I have developed over years of mental health counseling and life and career coaching - tools that include journaling exercises and creative visioning experiments, along with practical worksheets and inventories.

You will receive a daily email with a short LifeWork Discovery reading and the question of the day to ponder, write about, and reflect on. Each weekend, you will try a creative LifeWork activity - something fun but helpful - and modified to fit the restrictions we are all following to stay safe and healthy.

You will start by assessing what shape your life is in right here right now - in the middle of a global pandemic and coming recession. Scary, I know, but once you look it in the eyes, you know what you’re dealing with and you can move on.

The LWP Pandemic Edition is a little more philosophical - a little more spiritual.  The lockdown and resulting anxiety about life and money and jobs has us all re-thinking our lives a bit. The LWP gives you a chance to write down what you’re thinking, spend some time reflecting on what it all means, and then make good positive decisions and create a plan for your next step.

And the big bonus: For the first time, I’m creating a private group where you will have the option to share your responses, ask questions and interact with others on the same journey. I will be moderating the group - so I’ll be available virtually to answer questions about the process - and about any job search or decision making problems you encounter.

So what are you waiting for?

The LifeWork Project begins June 1, 2020 and I’ve deeply discounted the price until May 31, 2020 - trying to do my part to help us all get through this together. Normally, $89.95, the LWP Pandemic Edition is on sale for $39.

If you’ve lost your job and even that is too much, just email me at I have a few scholarships I can offer for half the sale price.

You can read more about the LWP: Pandemic Edition here. And please just email me at if you have any questions. I’ll be glad to answer them.

Give it a try - it could be the best thing you’ve done since March.

Tired of the same old thing? Ready to find a new job?

Are you feeling like you just can't face another day in your current job? Feeling stuck in your career or just burned out? Are you ready for a change  - but you’re not sure what steps to take next? Are you still trying to choose a career path but not sure what direction to take? Are you excited each morning to get out of bed and head off to work or do you drag yourself out the door just hoping for Friday to arrive? 

Ready to find a new and better career? Need help with the job search? 

Now is the time. It's time for a change, time to hit the refresh button on your career, or to begin the process of finding a career you love. Maybe you’re bored out of your mind in your current job and you’re looking for a new challenge that better fits your life and dreams. Maybe you’ve been out of the job market for a while - in school, at home caring for others or just can’t seem to figure out what’s next for you. Maybe you just need a change. 

It's not too late to sign up. The next class of The LifeWork Project™ begins July 10 and there are still a few spots left. 

Here's what previous participants have written about The LIfeWork Project™: 

"I really enjoyed the LifeWork Project! I understand and appreciate myself better -strengths, weaknesses, energy drainers AND gainers- and all. I'd highly recommend this to anyone who is feeling stuck, bored, restless, or who has goals and some idea about what one wants to do but needs a confidence boost and a bit of confirmation, and/or is struggling to formulate a plan to forge one's dreams into reality."   ~Katie C. Charleston, SC

"After just 2 weeks of The LifeWork Project™, I felt more confident about choosing a new career path that looked exciting and full of potential. I had been feeling very bored and stuck in my old job and now I have a plan to find a new job. Now, I'm more prepared for the job search and have all my accomplishments lined up for my resume." ~ Steven R. Greenville, SC 

Career coaching for the rest of us

If you’re ready to take some real steps to figure out what’s next for you, take a look at The LifeWork Project™ - a 40 day e-course designed to help you find the work of your life - work that leads to a lifetime of challenge, satisfaction and success.  The e-course will include weekday emails delivered straight to your inbox with a LifeWork discovery reading and a question or assignment of the day to ponder. Each week you will be guided through a series of exercises, journal writing prompts, and other activities to assist you in discovering your personality, identifying your strengths and transferable skills, clarifying your values and creating a career design plan with action steps for moving forward.

You will complete the full length Myers Briggs Personality Inventory (MBTI®) and receive a personality profile plus career information tailored to your personality type. With individual email support from Anita, you will be guided through the Best Fit process for your personality type and career. You will spend time looking back and learning lessons from your past plus taking time to complete a frank and honest assessment of your current situation. Finally you will design a plan for moving forward toward the career you’ve always wanted.

The LIfeWork Project™ includes:

  • Daily emails (Mon-Fri) with a LifeWork Discovery reading and homework for each day
  • Weekly exercises, writing prompts and other LifeWork Discovery activities plus a weekend LifeWork Challenge.
  • MBTI Personality Profile, Best Fit analysis, and Career Information based on your type ($59 value)
  • The LifeWork Values Matrix 
  • The LifeWork Career Design Plan
  • Options for individual coaching throughout the process with Blue Sage Career Coach, Anita Flowers, MA are available at a discounted rate for LifeWork Project™ participants.

The next LifeWork Project begins on July 10 and registration is now live. Space in each class is limited. Take advantage of this low pricing on The LifeWork Project™ and sign up here today.

Get help with the job search and find a job you love.

Contact Anita if you have any questions or need more information. 

How to Re-Kindle Your Passion for Life and Work

Cooler temps are not the only thing to look forward to in the fall. Our second e-course is in the works. The working title is How to Re-Kindle Your Passion for Life and Work - A Guide to Mid-Life Transitions. It’s designed for anyone who’s feeling discouraged and a bit beaten down at mid-life.

Maybe you’re tired of your same old job  - or the never ending routine of your life.

The things you once enjoyed now feel blah and hum drum.

You’re feeling anxious and washed up already. It’s too soon for that.

Whether you’re feeling tired of your same old, same old job or have simply lost your interest and passion for life, this e-course is designed to rekindle your excitement for life and work. Through questions, readings, and assignments, you will be guided through a structured path to create positive, actual changes that will make the next stage of your life more rewarding and fulfilling For a further boost, optional discounted coaching is available to give you a chance to talk through your reflections and make a specific plan for change. 

Break through that mid-life slump and discover what’s next for you. 

Sign up here for more information or to reserve your spot! 

Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’
’Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I’m getting older, too
— Stevie Nicks - Landslide

Feeling burned out? When was the last time you went out to play?

Are you feeling a little burned out on 2017 already? It’s only February and I’m already hearing from clients and friends who are feeling overwhelmed and depressed by faded New Year’s resolutions, work overload, our nation’s political morass and worries about the environment and our world in general. It's clear. We are all going to need some serious self care in this year of anxiety. 

Self care is a trendy phrase these days. Most people think of self care as settling in for the night with a massage, a long hot bath and a big mug of herbal tea (always nice and relaxing) but I like to think of self care as those activities that restore our souls. Restorative care helps us to not just relax but to restore that creative piece of ourself. To literally bring our SELF back to life.

For me, it’s doing the things I loved to do as a child.  Digging in the dirt -even pulling weeds in the garden can be therapeutic. I lose track of time when I’m planting flowers. Maybe I just like getting my hands earth dirty. I love walking through the woods. Riding my bike. Swinging high on a swing set. Playing with fabric scraps or watercolors. A friend says that for her it’s baking cookies, coloring in a mandala book, and restoring old furniture. Another turns up the music, sings at the top of her voice and dances away in the kitchen. Think of it as playtime. I come away from play refreshed, restored, and often ready for a very restful nap!

What is play for you? What are those things that make you lose track of time? What makes you forget about the world of work and politics? What refreshes and restores your soul? These are questions I ask almost every one I do coaching with - because the answers offer clues about your true self, your passions and, sometimes, helps you discover the creative work of your life. 

It’s clear. We have a lot of work to do this year. Make sure you take time to play, that you take time for self care, for restorative care -  so you’re rested and refreshed for the journey of life ahead.